Not here,


or here,

or even here...
Where can she be?
Ah yes, she is at Silvana's!
Today was Alice's first day of "practice" at the daycare. She stayed with her new friends from 8:30 am until 1 pm. We just got home, and the tired little muffin went straight to bed for a nap. She was exhausted from all the new experiences.
Silvana reported that Alice had a good time, ate well, napped a little and did not miss her mummy after she left (or didn't show it...)
Also, the gang went to the park to play, and it would seem that Alice LOVED playing in the sandbox. Silvana thought that it might be something familiar from home, but I said no, it was her first time! Perhaps we'll have to invest in a sandbox (or a time-share on the beach in Mexico!) Maybe our our little sweatpea is destined for the earth sciences after all - she will be a sedimentologist!!!

On our way this morning
Alice and her gear.
We will post more photos later to prove that both Alice and mummy survived the experience!
Pascale et Simonne sans le Papa qui est à Moscou!!!!