It didn't actually rain this weekend. But there were lots of "showers"!
On Saturday afternoon, we were invited to Annie & Matthew's for a mini-Traf reunion, and a celebration of the little one's upcoming arrival. It was fantastic to see some of the friendly faces that Lucy misses the most from her teaching stint at Traf.
Of course many requisite baby shower games were played, much to everyone's delight! Guess the date/weight/gender, guess the baby photo, estimate the pregnancy belly's girth (Matthew had a lock on that contest - but we won't divulge his secret!), and the insanely popular - guess the chocolate poop!
The lovely afternoon was capped off by some yummy ice-cream sundaes, lots of fantastic presents, and incessant ooh-ing and aah-ing over how scrumptious Annie & Matt's daughter Olivia is. What a precious little package (and she really is the happiest baby on the block, Annie!)

On Saturday afternoon, we were invited to Annie & Matthew's for a mini-Traf reunion, and a celebration of the little one's upcoming arrival. It was fantastic to see some of the friendly faces that Lucy misses the most from her teaching stint at Traf.
Of course many requisite baby shower games were played, much to everyone's delight! Guess the date/weight/gender, guess the baby photo, estimate the pregnancy belly's girth (Matthew had a lock on that contest - but we won't divulge his secret!), and the insanely popular - guess the chocolate poop!
The lovely afternoon was capped off by some yummy ice-cream sundaes, lots of fantastic presents, and incessant ooh-ing and aah-ing over how scrumptious Annie & Matt's daughter Olivia is. What a precious little package (and she really is the happiest baby on the block, Annie!)

Lena gets her nose stuck into an icky-looking, but probably yummy tasting diaper... Genevieve has already had her turn!
Guy is pleasantly surprised - is this what diaper-changing is going to be like? messy, sure... but it smells good!
Guy gets some playtime with Olivia - that girl loves to bounce!
Is Rachel teaching Olivia a magic trick?
Phew... a crisis narrowly averted when Annie gives Olivia her monkey... The little one had her eye on the one that Lucy & Guy received (and who could blame her?)
Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you all so much for a super afternoon!!