Our friends Eric and Pascale, with their 11-month old sweetheart (and our god-daughter) Simonne. The trio stopped by to visit before Eric left for a theatrical gig in Japan, and also to lend us some baby goods. Here we see them showing us how to use the Baby Bjorn they're lending us, only Simonne has become a little too big to squash in there! Nevertheless, she enjoying being in the carrier, which must have reminded her of her youth!
Of course the entire family is chipping in to help when they can. Janette and Lyse has the arduous task of putting together the Ikea dresser we bought for the nursery. Lucy was at work, and Guy was replacing the roof on the house with his dad, but the girls assured us that the dresser came with an 80-page instruction booklet, and about 5 pounds of short wooden dowels and funny looking screws! We appreciate everyone's help and excitement so much.

xxx Team Luguy