Not rain, silly! We were showered with love, support, friendly advice and gifts for our little one.
This time the festivities took place at the Potters in Ste-Anne-des-Lacs, on Sunday afternoon. We tripped them up a little when we arrived to "just hang out" at 10 am... 5 hours before the shower started! At first, Wendy wanted us to leave so that they could finish decorating and preparing, but eventually we were allowed to stay, help out a little, and wait for the arrival of all the guests.
The weather was beautiful - warm, dry and sunny. The company was superb - warm, generous and happy. And the games were hilarious - silly, fun and not too difficult!
Our huge and overwhelmed thanks to Katherine, Wendy and David for planning and preparing, and to everyone who came, making it a spectacular success. We were touched by your generosity, and can't wait for your to share that same spirit of love and family with our daughter!
Enjoy some shots of the afternoon (more to follow when we receive copies from others)
xxx Lucy, Guy and our little Robeez fashionista
Christine was the official winner of the "Don't say b_b_" clothespin game. Nice efforts were also noted by Francine, Guy and Dan.
Here Stéfane and Sheldon change Ben and Hans' diapers. Stéfane could have been a pro at this game after changing diapers for the past 3 years - but alas, it wasn't an individual event!
Guy cuts the "crevette cake". No there weren't any shrimp in it, but Katherine and Wendy decorated with little pink icing shrimp!
This time the festivities took place at the Potters in Ste-Anne-des-Lacs, on Sunday afternoon. We tripped them up a little when we arrived to "just hang out" at 10 am... 5 hours before the shower started! At first, Wendy wanted us to leave so that they could finish decorating and preparing, but eventually we were allowed to stay, help out a little, and wait for the arrival of all the guests.
The weather was beautiful - warm, dry and sunny. The company was superb - warm, generous and happy. And the games were hilarious - silly, fun and not too difficult!
Our huge and overwhelmed thanks to Katherine, Wendy and David for planning and preparing, and to everyone who came, making it a spectacular success. We were touched by your generosity, and can't wait for your to share that same spirit of love and family with our daughter!
Enjoy some shots of the afternoon (more to follow when we receive copies from others)
xxx Lucy, Guy and our little Robeez fashionista

Our wonderful location - the Potter Botanical Gardens!
Guy, Katherine and David set up the midget-gazebo!
Lovely Léa!
Lucy and Guy challenge each other to a game of cotton ball handling. Of course Lucy won, when some of the puffs got caught in Guy's beard...
Hans and Erika with their new puppy Rocky.
Charleen watches over Nicolas as he invents his own cotton ball game.
Ah yes, David's famous dad diapering relay race. Ben is racing towards David in his bathrobe, and with pinhole eyes, yelling "I'm coming baby"!

David rushing to get his diaper on!
Lucy gets in a little practice... An exhausted Gabriel conked out on her as mum Sandra looks on.

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