Dear Guy,
Your daughter might not be all that good at being by herself while mum is in the shower (I'm referring to the recent collapse of the shower curtain rod incident...), BUT she is super-duper at playing all by herself while I prepare our meals.
Both yesterday evening and this morning she set up a picnic for herself and her dolls - putting down a small blanket, covering it with dishes (piece by piece), and then setting the dolls around the spread. It was beautiful to see!
We miss you very much!

Your daughter might not be all that good at being by herself while mum is in the shower (I'm referring to the recent collapse of the shower curtain rod incident...), BUT she is super-duper at playing all by herself while I prepare our meals.
Both yesterday evening and this morning she set up a picnic for herself and her dolls - putting down a small blanket, covering it with dishes (piece by piece), and then setting the dolls around the spread. It was beautiful to see!
We miss you very much!