Last weekend we went to Toronto for the Prospectors and Developpers convention. It is the annual event for everyone in the mining business, and with the boom in exploration and metal prices, this year was bigger than ever! Well, Alice decided to check it out, and she received about or 7 very interesting job offers.... But do we really want another geologist in the family?!?

On the train

In her own seat? Not really...
Can you say 3-hour delay?

(but soon I won't be needing them)
More hanging out in the hotel room...
Hey, I'm not sleeping, open up!
Eggs benedict? Count me in dad!
The first time in her stroller without the carseat.
What a big girl exploring the lobby.

We're home and tired... what a nice weekend!
(Sorry there aren't more tourist-y photos, but Alice was the most interesting thing in Toronto)