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An early birthday present

We visited Jean-Francois, Christine and Olivier on Thursday. Lucky Alice got to try out Olivier's fancy exersaucer, and she could hardly contain her excitement! Guy figured that she truly wished she had four arms, because there were so many fun things to do.

We didn't need much more convincing that this would be a great toy for our little one, so we ran out and bought one on on Friday afternoon.

PLEEEEEASE mummy and daddy?

I'll be so good!

Intense concentration, just like little Olivier!

Now I have my very own!

Daddy is showing me the lizard puppet.

P.S. Here is a photo from day 2 of cereal - Look how I open my mouth wide.



Anonymous said…
Quel bonheur ce jouet-installation... Ma maman a beaucoup appréciée quand je m'amusais dedans. Elle pouvait m'emmener dans la salle de bain avec elle, et prendre des bain et des douches en jettant un coup d'oeil sur moi!!! J'ai hâte de vous voir...

P:S: félicitations pour tes exploits assis!!!!
Anonymous said…
I wish I had a dragon puppet!
What a cutie!