The whole family went to Ottawa for the weekend as Lucy had a short course at U of O. So while mommy was getting smarter the rest of us were getting culturer.
Here are some pics from the Museum of Civilization:

This photo was taken moments before Estelle took a big fall and was pretty shaken up and had a bruised ear.
This photo was taken moments before Estelle took a big fall and was pretty shaken up and had a bruised ear.
This was taken in the grand hall that has an amazing collection of Haida Totem poles. It sure is hard to impress a 2 year old.
This is a famous statue that appears in black at the canadian embassy in Washington.
I was trying to convey the importance of the "castle" in the distance being where the Prime Minister "worked". But Estelle was more interested in the vent she was standing on.
xxx Mummy
All the best at being Mr Mom for a few days.
Paul & Lynn