What a busy weekend we've had! Here are some of the good times, all rolled into one post...
Daddy kicked things off with the inaugural dip of the new pool liner.
Then we went for ice cream!
On Saturday morning we went out for breakfast...
(Alice insisted on having bacon AND sausages - so demanding!)
Dad got back to work on the deck
Mummy helped Alice mow the lawn
Alice ate some bits of cracker... crunchy!

(Alice insisted on having bacon AND sausages - so demanding!)
(where are your swimming trunks now, huh?)
Guy and Stefane deep in conversation about the fence surrounding the pool.
Lucy suggested that it would be safer to just seal the thing off
Alice rolling her goodie bag ball at Nicolas birthday party
Wow! Nicolas had a fire truck birthday cake, complete with a house on fire
(but thankfully not his)
We got to watch Nicolas open some great gifts.
Four year olds sure are lucky...
And finally, we enjoyed supper outside on the (almost complete) new deck!
Are you sure this thing isn't going to collapse, daddy?