Thank you so much everybody for the well wishes and the outpouring of love for our little Alice, she hasn’t met most of you but she knows that you care. Well, believe it or not we are finally home; all three of us. We got medical clearance before lunch and were out the door by 1:30 pm. We strapped her in and faced a plethora of firsts (first time in an elevator, first time outside, first time in a car, first time getting stopped by the police for excessively safe driving (I kid), first time in our house...). The little one has been doing really well: eating, sleeping and soiling regularly (we can’t ask for much more). Lucy has got her energy back and has been napping regularly, however she is still quite sore in the most unusual places. Uncle Gareth is flying down from Stratford this afternoon just to meet the little princess (leaving tomorrow I think). If anyone wants to visit, all they need to do is call ahead so we can get dressed and push the mess into the closets before you arrive. We are looking forward to seeing you.
Alice is beautiful! I wish you all the best these first few weeks with your precious. I look forward to visiting soon.
Prenez-soin de vous,
si vous avez besoin de n'importe quoi... on est là...
Pascale Eric et Simonne
Vous avez une très jolie fille !
Bonne chance pour les prochaines semaines
à bientôt
Annie Francois et Florence
Grande matante France
Enjoy every minute of every day. Before you know it she'll be at her first day of school....
Best wishes and lots of love to you all,
Sylvie Gautron
François, Geneviève, Jérôme
Félicitations pour la belle demoiselle!
Elle est très jolie!!!
XXX Patrizia