We finally made the big trek to visit our friends in the Saguenay. It was great to spend a few days with old(-ish) friends who seem to follow a bit of the same routine as we do. Their 4 and 2 year olds are pretty much on track with our own, only slightly more male and a little more prone to "batailles".
We camped at the municipal campground in St-Felix-d'Otis, and weathered an extreme night of western, local partying, and another of extreme lightning and thunder. Nothing could dampen our spirits though, and we've got happy memories and bug bite scabs to prove it!
Fast friends
(these two sat side by side in their strollers while their mums power walked when they were only wee things!)
La belle plage
Hold on!
Shaking in my boots...
Requisite smores preparation
Olivier, JF, Christine and Mathieu.
Bien confortable en attente pour les frites.
Guy keeping the kids out of the firepit
The girls had a great sleep and didn't hear a single thing during the 2 hour storm.
Nice to see pictures of JF and Christine. I assume they are happy and doing well?
All the best,
Paul & Lynn