Guy, Dave and Stefane got busy this weekend preparing the ground for the new deck. It was no small feat to auger the holes needed to support the structure, put the sono tubes in place, surround with gravel, and fill with cement. The job was espcially tricky since they encountered some rocky ground on the way down. Now Guy will be able to swap stories with his drillers at work!
A prototype of the Canadarm?

After reading and re-reading the instructions, Stefane makes nice with the cement mixer.
And where was Alice during all of this?
Supervising of course!
Huge arm on the delivery truck drops off the tubes and cement.
The first hole
(notice the raingear - we were not blessed with great weather)
What... taking a break already? Are you guys unionized?
Don't go too deep Guy, we're not drilling for nickel!
And where was Alice during all of this?