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The Blog is Back

So a funny thing happened the other day... Lucy took the plunge and left her job of 14 years. It was a scary move, but how else would she find out what other magnificent things she might be capable of??!! In all seriousness, it was equal parts devastating and liberating, and now it's on to a variety of things to keep her busy: online learning (Python, gender diversity in mining, LAW?!), walking and podcasting, and, best of all, more family time. 

One of the upshots of this newfound, though likely temporary, surge in additional free time, is this renewal of the sadly neglected blog in recent years. So here's looking forward to a dump of past photos and perhaps some new ones.

Hope all is well since we last saw each other. 

xx TeamLuguy


Guy said…
thanks for the update!
Anonymous said…
so glad blog is back!