Grandad came in this year to give us a hand. It was a beautiful saturday so we had a little more traffic than usual. The Pirate Ship and smoke cannon still drawing them in. After the kids stopped coming to the door, mom and dad went into the city to a bar and had a blast. More detail on dad's crazy costume on the next post and even more on the Instructable link (below too).
The girls were not sure that Mom got the makeup right, but they haven't seen the Batman movies yet. She really nailed it, with the attitude to boot.

See the video below, otherwise it's hard to explain.
If we can be forgiven a comment or two.
Dear Lucy: you have the same problem that your daughters have. When you dress up and try to look scary, you just end up looking cute. I know that is not usually an adjective applied to a grown women with two lovely children, but cute it is!
And Guy's mask! Very deserving of a prize. Just shows what amazing things can happen when technology catches up to a good idea.
Thanks again for the posting, always a lot of fun.
Paul & Lynn