Only the most doting parents are willing to fly in a top-notch french chef and his artistic partner to assist in preparing their precious daughter's birthday cake...

Intense concentration in creating the "palomino effect"

Philippe, Guy and Sol decorating the horse cupcakes the evening before the big party.
(Possibly Agathe's first birthday party. She showed all the excitement a 7-week old should do)
(safely chopped and sliced hot-dogs)
Benjamin, we promise that next year you can sit at the big kid's table.
Daddy presenting the work of art to the birthday girl.
Her very own horse - a delicious equine treat.
It will just have to do until she visits Pepe and Meme in a couple of weeks.
LĂ©a and Simonne patiently waiting for their turn in the jumpy-jump.
Two great gift success stories - princess costume and the pirate ship.
More presents!
Oh yeah, clothes too (Alice doesn't look impressed but mummy loved all of the great new stuff)