Balboa Park is one of the main tourist and local attractions for San Diego, primarily for the San Diego Zoo, but also for the many beautiful gardens and 15-20 museums and theatres. We spent one day at the park to see the gardens and Natural History Museum, but we could easily have gone back every day for a week.
Alice and bird of paradise
The cactus garden
Guy leading the way to a day of learning!!!
Public washrooms in here?!
Californian hippie painted our kids' faces with hypoallergenic, soy-based, hemp-infused colors
Kissy Kissy
Double dolphins
All made up and ready to explore
Scary exhibit.
A replica of Lyuba, the world's best preserved baby mammoth.
Estelle wants to bring Lyuba home (or at least back to the hotel room)
A lesson in plate tectonics
Lovely artist's market
Sea goddess
Estelle found her pick on the 1910 Balboa Park Carousel
Wanna race?
Ever the show-off...
Hugs to all,
Paul & Lynn