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Of course we're super excited about the upcoming move to a new house, but we've started the packing process, and it's just a little bit sad. We've has so many good times in this little house, most of all bringing our two little munchkins into the world and doing our best to parent them as they grow.

Some of the first things to get packed were many of the girls' toys. So now instead of playing with Lego and Barbies, they've taken to scream wrestling. It's a bonding experience, but makes me wonder if I could handle the chaos of a pair of boys instead... (just kidding Francine & Stéfane!)

We hope you're planning a visit to our new home sometime this summer - but don't be offended if we ask you to paint a room or shingle the roof (just kidding René!)


Anonymous said…
Not to will make many many many more wonderful memories in your new home.
I miss you guys

Anonymous said…
C'est comme quand nous avons quitté la ferme. J'ai trouvé ça difficile aussi. :-( Je suis d'accord avec France.Mémé