A couple of months ago a photographer passed through Alice's daycare to take individual and group pictures of the kids. For the four and five year old groups there was another special shot taken... in a graduation gown and cap!
We think she looks beautiful and very grown up. It could be in her high school grad yearbook, accompanied by the bio: (LRHS-style)
Name: Alice Desharnais
DOB: September 15, 2006
Nickname: Princess Cleverpants
Favorite food: tofu spaghetti
Least favorite food: TOFU!
Favorite sport: Hiking
Favorite song: Wacka Wacka
Likely profession: Shift boss
Favorite expression: "C'est trop fa-fa" or "Let's watch a movie"
Here's the whole gang of wombats, all grown-up (okay, different wombats from at Silvana's, but it could be the same crowd)
Back, L to R: Justine, Emma, Josée, Eva, Samuel
Front, L to R: Nicolas, Alice (heart, heart, kiss, kiss), Gregory, Chloé