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Réserve Faunique Rivière St-Maurice

Our July camping trip took us to the St-Maurice reserve (we originally thought we were going to the Mauricie National Park, but never mind...) where we enjoyed a very private, beautiful, and only slightly rustic tent-trailer experience. The weather ended up being fantastic, having rain and wind only the last night. Luckily we had already moved the camper out from under the dead tree leaning over the girls, so we were only kept awake a few tense minutes while we waited to see if our second-hand trailer was indeed waterproof.
The beautiful sites (see waterfalls, beach, even a pretty swamp below) were enhanced by the degree of challenged we faced in accessing them - bouldery logging roads will only take you so far.

The food was delicious, and made up mainly of camping staples: spaghetti, bannock, banana dreamboats. popcorn and hot chocolate.
The only downside? A mild case of beaver fever for Estelle, who's love of all things liquid had her gulping down lake water as she swam; and a few serious bug bites for Alice - that girl can swell!

Next trip... Bic in August!

Is this how cavemen provided for their families back in the day?

Thanks goodness Guy got a pre-trip pedicure!

They're lining up for Jiffy-Pop.

We're... not... tired...

A beautiful swamp?!?

Janette - je suis prête pour faire de la randonnée avec toi!

Watching our step on the waterfalls...


The favorite play area

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Anonymous said…
what a great vacation! love you guys, unky g
Anonymous said…
C'est vraiment joli ou vous êtes allés. Vous faites aussi un beau cadeau à vos filles en leur donnant l'amour de la nature. Bisous. Mémé
Anonymous said…
I LOVE the photo of them sleeping in the car!!!
Anonymous said…
Oh I forgot. Guy did you serve Chicken Noodle Soup with the Hot Dogs? "Family joke" Amour, Mom
Anonymous said…
Super cute! Can't wait to see all of you soon!