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Estelle walking!!!

Estelle has attained the status of biped. We still need to trick her to get her to walk (items in both hands and a moving target...) but soon she will be trotting around following her big sister.


Anonymous said…
C'est beau Estelle!
Anonymous said…
Bravo Estelle! Guy, la chance te cours, si je me rappelle bien tu étais présent quand Alice à fait ses premiers pas seule. Ça va changer beaucoup dans votre maison. Amusez-vous bien. Gros bisous, Mémé
Anonymous said…
Just wonderful! A significant life milestone, and very nice that Dad was home to see it.

Paul and Lynn
Anonymous said…
Faaaaantaaaaastic.Thats agood trick to have her hands full Bravo Estelle Love Gran and Grandad