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The wheels on the bus

Our dear Alice made the next step in a series of firsts for our family. Taking the school bus! We waited outside for a few minutes and saw the Oiselets bus arrive, flashing lights and all. I was allowed one quick photo before she was shown to her seat and then they were off. This moment was a bit more emotional for me than the first day of school was, perhaps because everything is out of my hands now. Mum and Estelle will pick her up at Silvana's (the designated drop-off spot for when I am (hopefully) back at work) to see how it all went.


Here it comes

Alice and Isabelle, the driver

Got my spot

Is it too late to change my mind? (Mum)
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Anonymous said…
Une autre grosse étape! Bon courage Lucy!
Stéphanie said…
Oh my God! Alice qui prend l'autobus?! Je comprends parfaitement comment la maman doit se sentir, ayant moi aussi un nouvel écolier prenant le transport scolaire. Christophe a 5 ans (presque 6), et ça me fait un pincement au coeur, alors je ne peux qu'imaginer à l'âge d'Alice! Elle est bonne ta cocotte, la maman aussi.

Anonymous said…
Well done !Lucy a big thankyou for sharing all these hot off the press photos for us all.We are proud of you all managing these new experiences, brings back lots of memories.Love G@G XXXXXXXXXXXXX
Anonymous said…
you girls are so brave. i am so proud of you. love,
AH!!! J'en ai des frissons...Good Job les filles!!!
Anonymous said…
Way to go go Alice! Lucy... chin up!
Bravo Lucy et Alice! Vous venez de franchir une grosse étape dans la vie! Nous aussi avons vu l'autobus venir chez nous la semaine dernière.