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Children's Museum

We picked up "matante" France and headed to the children's museum at the Forks for the day.

Diggin a hole.

A three year-old's attention span is about 3 minutes so we spent most of our time running back and forth between what we thought Alice would like and what she liked best: the train. Out of my way Pepe.

She took the time to call some friends to tell them about how much fun she was having.
MTS stands for Manitoba Telecom Serives however in Quebec this acronym is most commonly associated with "Maladie Transmise Sexuellement". Many a Quebecois have stood outside phone booths in Manitoba wondering whether they REALLY need to make that call.
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Anonymous said…
I sure miss you guys already. Spending the day with Alice and Estelle was very recouperative. Estelle, I think your parents told a fib...not once did I hear you cry, let alone Alice you are growing up to be a very wise little girl. You are a delight! And your parents are the best. I hope you really really enjoy your trip to the Atlantic ocean.
All my love,

Matante France