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At least one of our girls is now big enough for lots of swingin' and slidin', so dad got to work during his vacation, on building a fantastic little swingset for Alice and Estelle. After three short days, a little help from Lucy and Grandad, and a few minor modifications to the plans (Janette - are you surprised Guy put the kibosh on the monkey bars?) it was complete!

Our new country home is so comfy!
"Listen boy, I've built many a swingset in my time..."

Proud new owners
Yay, Estelle gets to use it too!
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Anonymous said…
What an awesome play structure!

And, it doesn't surprise me that Guy didn't set up the monkey bars -since, well, he probably still can't make it across and move on to the next level of the Destein Farms Gymnastic Club!

Anonymous said…
Good one ma tante Janette. Mémé