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Two sisters, an auntie and an uncle

Auntie Katherine and Uncle Ben stopped by this morning to check in on the girls. Lucky for Katherine, that Alice was shy around Ben and so clung to her auntie with all of her might. Lucky for Ben then, that he got to hold Estelle!


Anonymous said…
I miss Alice's awesome hugs!
Anonymous said…
I was spoiled rotten with that hug. Thanks Alice... it made my day!
Ben had fun too Estelle, he says you're "real pretty"!
Unknown said…
Congratulations Lucy and Guy! I'm very happy for you both with your new addition! I was due yesterday on my birthday with my little guy, but he isn't ready to come out yet!
I'll let you know when he's born.
Take care!!
In case you don't have my email address, it's I'd love to hear from you when you have a minute!
Cathy xox