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Thank-you Children's Hospital!

After our trip to Denver, Alice's little cold turned into an ugly cough and then a high fever. We stayed home from daycare/work to help her recover, but the poor little thing wasn't getting any better... so last Saturday evening we spent a few hours at the Montreal Children's Evening, being poked and prodded (and when I say we... I mean Alice)

Diagnosis - Ear Infection!!!

Treatment - Antibiotics and TLC from mum and dad.

Who doesn't want to spend Saturday night in the hospital waiting room?

This Saturday was a different story...

We went to Gran and Grandad's to celebrate Gran's 60th birthday, and enjoyed nice treats, music by Gareth, and playing some old classic records...

Where are my Elvis albums?


Pauvre tite-chatonne...
On souhaite que tu vas mieux maintenant, avec les photos de la fête de ton grand-papa, les choses semblent vraiment mieux aller???
On pense à toi
et à tes parents...
Simonne Eric et Pascale
Anonymous said…
Thanks for a lovely birthday party all.Alice I do really like Elvis records and I am glad you like music too.So happy you are feeling better.BIG HUGS from Gran xxxxxx
Anonymous said…
Allô Alice, Je suis très contente que tu te sens mieux. Environ 45 dodos et nous serons chez toi. Quel bonheur ça sera! As-tu préparé ta liste au Père Noel déjà? Gros bisous de mémère xxxx