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Regarde-moi Simonne!

Mes grandparents ont installé une balancoire que je peux utiliser quand je les rend visite. Je me suis beaucoup amusé, comme toi au parc!

(for you doubters who didn't think she was whistling...)


Anonymous said…
Allo la belle famille. Alice, I can't wait to hear you laugh till your tummy hurts. The pictures of you already make me laugh with you. Pourtant, tu doits avoir des moments ou tu pleures? La camera ne fonctione pas qu'en tu pleures don? lol
Beaucoup d'amour,
Anonymous said…
What a good swinger you are Alice!!!! I was at work so missed the first swing will look forward to the next time.. Love Gran xxxxxx
Anonymous said…
Quite the lush and diversified forest you have in the back there... Even more diversified with this little swinging monkey in there! I'll have to go check that out some day!
Heille tu veux venir au parc avec moi bientôt????? Je suis revenue, je pourrais te montrer pleins de trucs!!!