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Steak, steak, wonderful steak...

So, as usual, Alice is having tons of fun this weekend, playing with her mum and dad (she and Guy did some rowing together - see photo below!), and visiting with her friend Simonne.

But wait there's more exciting news to share with you...

Alice has two teeth! It would seem as though the early morning wakeups the past 2 days were not without cause. She must have been eager to share the news with us and we didn't catch on until this morning. Two perfect little white spots on her lower gums. We are so proud!

Hmmm... what are these pointy things?

Girly playtime
Your mum is pretty cool too, Simonne

Row faster daddy!


Anonymous said…
Nice to see you back Bro-Bro! Hope all is well with you. Glad to hear Alice has two teeth! Soon we can eat real food together. Love you guys lots. Stratford is great and Lindsay says hi! See you soon. Gary Porter