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Her Royal Cuteness

Pretty and pensive.
I'm using my hands! I've started to grasp objects and will hold onto them (with a little help from mum or dad) What fun!

My neck is getting stronger every day

Watching mum entertain me!

Silly face!

Baby it's cold outside...

Doing push-ups on dad's tummy.

Going for a bath! I'm so excited...


Anonymous said…
Quel beau trésor! Elle a allongé beaucoup depuis que je l'ai vue. Je me demande qui va être le centre d'attention durant les fêtes? Combien de dodos maintenant? Gros bisous à toute la famille. X0X0
Anonymous said…
WoW! votre "petite" est deja si grande! Marie
Anonymous said…
What beautiful photos.Alice is really becoming a royal cuteness!!!! We hope to get a hug this weekend.Much Love Gran and
Anonymous said…
I think Guy has a silly face too!!