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La visite de grand-maman Hebert

The grandma hold, not to be mistaken with the wrestling move made famous by ChiChi Rodrigues, is difficult to break. We had to call in the fire department to separate them the last time.


Anonymous said…
Wonderful to see Grandmaman with her little bundle of joy. I'm thrilled. Grandad David
Anonymous said…
LOL, I'm surprised that you did not rent the jaws of life and a straight jacket to make sure grand-maman got back on the plane. I'm so glad the la Lyse made the trip.
Anonymous said…
Lazy bear a du être toute contente de partager ce p'tit bout de choux avec vous (crime ca rime)! Philippe et moi sommes aussi très impatient de vous voir les 3 chez papi et mami au Manitoba!
Luv Sol xoxo